St. Therese Catholic School preschool is the only diocesan Catholic preschool in Pueblo. We are fortunate to have a director and assistant director with thirty-one combined years of experience working with preschool children. We use the High Scope Curriculum, Pre-K Saxon Math, and have monthly visits from Rawlings Library who brings us SPELL Kits and we do 4-5 field trips a year.
Each child is recognized as a unique gift from God and is encouraged to develop in their own special way and time. Activities are provided to develop and enhance physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development in a loving Christian environment.
Family is an intricate part of the St. Therese Catholic School preschool program. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to volunteer their time and talents. Younger siblings are always welcome.
Children socialize, explore and create in a variety of experiences. Language development provides reading readiness activities. Fine and gross motor development prepares children for reading, writing, math and physical education. Science, Math and Nutritional Health are developed through “hands-on” activities.
Gradually, young children begin to experience our Faith through belonging to God’s family and participating in Christian community activities.
We believe the experiences a child has in their early years are of a lasting importance and will set the stage for future development and a lifelong love of learning.
Security and safety of our preschoolers is of the utmost importance. Doors are always locked and children are under supervision by a staff member at all times. Children are dismissed only to designated persons.