NOTICE: St. Therese is now taking all registration information and tuition payments in the main office.
Please call Janeel Valdez at 719 561-1121 and she will assist you with all registration forms and tuition matters.
Thank you.
Pre K - 8
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St. Therese Curriculum (at a glance)
“We teach Students HOW to think, not just WHAT to think”
St. Therese Catholic School preschool is the only diocesan Catholic preschool in Pueblo.
Within the kindergarten reading program, children are introduced to all letters of the alphabet and their sounds.
In first grade, students are stimulated to do their very best work, to have fun, and always be motivated to learn.
Second grade continues student work begun in first grade. Increased emphasis is placed on listening skills and speaking skills.
Third Grade students develop a mastery of listening skills and begin to apply those skills within an academic environment.
Students demonstrate mastery of listening skills and apply those skills during class presentations, lectures and projects.
St. Therese Catholic School maintains a comprehensive college preparatory middle school academic program.
The overall goal of religion classes at St. Therese Catholic School is to reach what we believe, celebrate, live and pray as Catholic Christians.
The physical education curriculum attempts to provide developmentally appropriate activities for each growth level.
The method used for Spanish Language acquisition in K-5 grades is called TPR Storytelling.
Our goal in music is to not only teach our students to sing but also to understand music.
We hope you like what you've see. Visit our admissions page to enroll now!