Giving Day 2023
Total Raised: $50,140.03
Thank you to our generous donors:
Bishop Stephen Berg
American Fertilizer
American Septic & Sewer
Angelus Chapel
Anna Marie Perse
Anne Rossmeier
Antonio Manalo
Barbara Ridgway
Barbara Vincent
Bob Centa
Charles Dygert
Cheryl Hill
Christ the King Parish
Christina Esquibel
Dan Corsentino
Daniel Leetch
Daryle Mahaney
David Bleichrodt
David Montera
DC Private Security
Deborah Blevins
Diane Sumpter
DiSanti Farms
DiTomaso Farms
Dr. Kenneth Dernovsek
Dr. Michael Bryant
E.R. Glach
Edward and Virginia Shea
Elmer Villalon
Eugena Gersick
Fr. Carl Wertin
Fr. Donald Malin
Frank Drotar
Gino Carleo
Glen and Patricia Carlson
Greg Ragulsky
Herbert Brockman
Israel Ceja
Jacob Zuniga
James Jankowski
Jeff Musso Inc.
John and Kathryn Diefenderfer
John Pickerell
Josh and Janele Bruggeman
Judith Hastall
Karen Willis
Kathleen Rogers
Knights of Columbus #4286
Laura McMahon
Lauricella Photography
Laurie Sole
LDC Properties
Leslie Samberson
Lorraine and Jeff Dinero
Marcella DeFoe
Maria Arteaga
Mark Haering
Martha Kinnaird
Martha Nogare
Mary Ann Miles
Mary Jane Chargin
Mary Margaret Mirelez
McMahon Trucking
Melissa Esquibel
Melissa Farrell
Michelle Caligaris
Mike and Becky Cafasso
Montogomery Steward
More-Skinny Used Cars
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reid
N.A.L.C. # 229
Nicholas Zyzda
Patricia Hegler
Patricia Sabatini and Steven Clayton
Paul and Christine Willumstad
Paula Padilla
Ray Watkins
Romy Nicoletta
Rosemarie and Daniel Offenhauer
Sacred Heart Cathedral
Sarah Nelson
Sasha Chavez
St. Aloysius Church
Stella Martinez
Steve and Jane Olsen
Tamsin Silvas
Terrie Tafoya
Therese Cook
Trish and Dan Ackerman
Special Thanks To Our Community Partners:

To continue to provide a strong Catholic education to
the children of our Diocese we need your financial help.
We are asking you to spread the word to
anyone and everyone who values what STCS has
provided to our youth in the Pueblo Catholic community.
We urge everyone to give from their
hearts and strong Catholic faith by donating to one
of the campaigns listed below.
Giving Day - The Purpose & Power of your Donation
Your generous donation will be used to provide:
General Operating Expenses
Each month we pay an average of $50,000 towards staff, utilities, maintenance, etc.
Student Scholarships
Tuition assistance for families to ensure all children have access to a faith-based education
Textbooks and
Curriculum Support
Update textbooks and provide curriculum resources for teachers and students
Fine Arts
Supply supplies and instruction for visual arts programs & vocal and instrumental music classes
Activities for Students & Staff Throughout the Year
This includes Staff Lunches, Christmas Activities, Knights Run, and other events
Expand internet access and provide hardware & software for teacher and student use
What is Giving Day?
Giving Days are 24-hour fundraising events aimed at bringing communities together to raise awareness for a specific cause, increase engagement, and drive donations. Our commitment to you as we move forward includes increasing transparency and strengthening the lines of communication within our community. The STCS Giving Day isn't just a fundraiser, it's going to be an annual event that's part of our much larger strategic plan, through which we intend to not only secure the resources we need to keep our school open but to also ensure that everyone is moving in the right direction throughout the entire year, every year, together.
The St. Therese Catholic School of Pueblo's 2023 Giving Day is set for Friday, October 6th.